[TUTORIAL] Webmail - Uniweb - Moodle

Sito: Piattaforma Moodle della Scuola di scienze umane, sociali e del patrimonio culturale
Corso: Piattaforma Moodle della Scuola di scienze umane, sociali e del patrimonio culturale
Libro: [TUTORIAL] Webmail - Uniweb - Moodle
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Data: venerdì, 28 febbraio 2025, 02:53

Single Sign On

In this Book (Moodle resource) you will find some information and useful links on mailbox and main websites you can enter through SSO (Single Sign On): the same institutional username and password

Username: similar to firstname.lastname@studenti.unipd.it

Password: personal, to be chosen at first activation of Unipd Mailbox

Webmail - Unipd Mailbox

Webmail, the University email


Uniweb is the on-line IT system of University that allow students to manage their academic career.

Username: name.surname@studenti.unipd.it

Password: your, personal

Click on the red box and Log In:

Moodle Scienze Umane - Login - Timeout - Logout

MOODLE is a free software e-learning platform, set to allow and promote online teaching and training.

Moodle allows educators to create online courses, web pages, ecc. As Moodle is a Web-based application, students can log in any time from home or elsewhere.

1) Log in

and then on

2) Log Out

3) Timeout: after 4 hours of inactivity, the user need to log in again to Moodle Scienze umane platform.

Moodle Scienze umane - How to enrol/unenrol a course - Dashboard - My courses

1) From a course Home Page click on Insegnamenti attivati in Moodle or Moodle Course:


2) Click on the course you want to enrol:



3) Unenrol: click on "More" in the top left menu:

4) Dashboard: user "Home Page" with link to all the courses in which he/she is enrolled.

It could be displayed after the login: 


5) Finder (search by course name or professor name)

Moodle Scienze - Profile - Preferences (Language)

1) After Login, to change language, click on Preferences

2) and then on "Preferenze lingua"

3) Choosing the language from dropdown menu:

4) and then click on red button: Salva Modifiche

Moodle Scienze Home - Mobile

1) From Moodle Scienze Umane Home Page click on Login:

2) After Login, clicking on your profile image:

3) User menu will appear

4) Clicking on the hamburger menu on the top left will appear a dropdown menu with:

  • Home
  • Dashboard
  • My courses
  • My Media