Ph.D. Course in Philosophy
Coordinator: Prof. Luca Basso
The PhD Course in Philosophy is based on the collaboration between the faculty members of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) and the Department of Political and Juridical Sciences and International Studies (SPGI).
1) General Information
The PhD Programme in Philosophy at the University of Padova trains students to become highly competent researchers in various fields of philosophy. The research areas are:
The PhD Program lasts three years, and it culminates with the writing and the defense of a doctoral dissertation. Besides, throughout the duration of the PhD program, the PhD-students are required to actively attend a series of graduate courses that will offer the the opportunity to train their academic writing skills and to present the preliminary results of their research activities. The PhD students are also encouraged to present the results of their research both in national and international workshops, conferences, and seminars. Furthermore, candidates will have the opportunity to spend some research periods abroad (up to 18 months). Periods abroad can usually benefit of extra-fundings.
The PhD Programme is directed by a Board, which is in charge of making decisions concerning training activities, students’ authorizations, and students’ admission to the following year, as well as to the final defense.
2) Individual educational plan
The educational plan of each PhD student is established by the PhD Programme's Board. PhD students must participate in PhD activities; absences will be admitted only for serious and legitimate reasons.
The educational activity consists of:
Mandatory common activities:
Excellence course: a two-weeks intensive course held by an external internationally renowned scholar.
Library resources course: a series of courses and practical activities enabling participants to use autonomously bibliographic resources will be offered by the Philosophy Library. With the assistance of the Library Staff, students will learn to select on-line resources, to use international data-bases, to correctly write a bibliography, and to manage a bibliographic data-set. Coordinator: Prof. Antonio Nunziante.
Editing activities for UNIVERSA: UNIVERSA is the Program’s online magazine of philosophical reviews ( Each PhD student is required to write at least two reviews per academic year and to participate in the editorial processes of the journal. Coordinator: Prof. Luca Illetterati.
Free-choice common activities:
Each PhD student is required to take part in activities per academic year to be chosen among those listed in the PhD course website.
Each PhD candidate has to attend:
- 1st year: three specific courses.
- 2nd year: two specific courses.
- 3rd year: one specific course.
Specific courses have a total duration of at least 32 academic hours, and are organized either in the form of one or two meetings per month throughout the academic year, or in the form of intensive meetings that normally take place up to three times per academic year. In order to get the certificate of attendance to a specific course, the PhD student has to attend to at least the 70% of its total duration, and to actively participate to the activities by giving presentations or writing reports related to the topic of the course. The active attendance of graduate courses is a mandatory requirement to be admitted to the following year.
3) Mobility
The PhD Programme in Philosophy encourages PhD students to spend research stays (max. 18 months) at universities and research institutions abroad.
4) Teaching
PhD students will be occasionally involved in teaching (in the role of teaching assistants) and/or supervising of undergraduate students, for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 40 hours per year.
5) Representation in the PhD Programme's Board
PhD students elect their representatives in the PhD Programme's Board, as well as in the FISPPA Department Board.
6) PhD student personal page
PhD students are required to update periodically their personal page here.
7) General Information
For questions concerning educational activities and authorizations, every PhD student should refer to his supervisor, to the Research Area coordinator, or to the Post Lauream Service (
Every official communication on behalf of the PhD Programme's Board is sent to the PhD students by e-mail. An institutional e-mail account will be activated for each PhD student.