KOS completion 2024 - Activity #2
- Read the following paper:
- Mdee A., Who speaks for the community? Negotiating Agency and Voice in Community-based Research in Tanzania (PDF version) in Özerdem, A., & Bowd, R. (2010). Participatory research methodologies: Development and Post-disaster/conflict Reconstruction. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315599519
- Produce:
- a 4 pages critical report
- Submit your text
The review of a journal article is not only a simple summary of the article but, it is rather evaluative. For review or commentary on an article you will include the stages below:
PRELIMINARIES (cover page): title page (date,…), abstract (summary of the main points, including conclusions and recommendations), contents page (shows the structure and the content of the writing).
INTRODUCTION: the name of the article, the author, publisher, year.
THE OVERALL TEXT: What is the article about? Introduce the article. What is the subject of the text? Who is it written for? What is the purpose of the article?
BACKGROUND: What has been written/published before? Description of what has been written/published before; put the text in the wider context.
CONTENT: What is the content of the article? Summary of the article, description of its general organization and contents of each paragraph.
EVALUATION: evaluation of the article: draw attention to parts of the article and comment on them positively and/or negatively by referring to other publications that have done something similar if you can. Look at the purpose of the article and whether or not it succeeds.
CONCLUSION: summary; conclusion, discussing whether it is appropriate for audience and making recommendations.