Dear students,
I hereby forward you some documents that Dr. Calori (which will held one
of the two interventions tomorrow morning) sent me this morning. These
documents could be useful as an introduction to the food policies topic.
Here you have:
- the text of the Milan Urban Food Policy pact, a manifesto signed by
180 cities all over the world (cities which are active in the promotion
of food policies: Milan-Urban-Food-Policy
- a report that ESTà produced with the collaboration of FAO this year,
commenting about 150 experiences of urban food policies participating
the last editions of the Milan Food Policy Pact award: FAO-MUFFP-ESTà
- a document about food policies that Barilla Foundation has just published (this is a very good synthesis on the topic): Food-and-cities_BCFN 2018.
See you tomorrow morning!
All the best.