Interviews for "Viviamo insieme" project | Orme Culturali

Interviews for "Viviamo insieme" project | Orme Culturali

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Dear students,

please read carefully the message below by Marwan Zaher, a Local Development former student.
Kind Regards,
Dear all,

we are about to carry out a project that concerns foreigners in Italy
and their level of integration into the society "Viviamo insieme".

We need to interview some international students to understand the
difficulties they face in staying here (especially during the
coronavirus period and the restrictions imposed) and what they are doing
to overcome them or what they think will help them.

We also need to hear from Italian students to learn how they see
non-Italians and whether the latter try hard enough to respect and
discover Italian culture or not.

If anyone is interested, please write to

Marwan Zaher
President Orme Culturali
Orme Culturali
Via Menini, 3
35135 Padova, Italy
t: +39 0495221281