Environmental Expert Courses | Ciak Si Scienza

Environmental Expert Courses | Ciak Si Scienza

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Dear Students,

theCoNISMa (http://www.conisma.it/en/) has organized in partnership with the non-profit Organization CiakSiScienza (https://www.ciaksiscienza.com/ambiente-sostenibilita/), LUPT center from Napoli University (https://www.lupt.it/), Zero Waste Italy (http://www.zerowasteitaly.org/), Legambiente (https://www.legambiente.it/) and Touring Club Italia, two interesting professional courses: 

Environmental expert on eco-sustainable tourism (https://bit.ly/BrochureAmbienteEcoturismo) with the goal of creating new skills on sustainable tourism according to new environmental laws.

Environmental expert on services companies (healthcare, public transport, logistics, consultancy, education programmes; https://bit.ly/BrochureAmbienteImpreseServizi) with the goal of creating new skills about all the above mentioned services according to new services distribution laws.

The subscription has to be filled by March 7th at the cost of 950 euros per course (instead of 1150 euros) or 1350 euros for both.

Please find the forms in the attached files that have to be sent (along with the payment receipt) at the address: vfaraco@unina.it.

The courses will start on March 15th and they will last 80 hours, they will be delivered online, two half-a-day per week. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate that will be valid for 10 ECTS.

For more information please contact the courses responsible, prof. Vincenza Faraco, by e-mail at the addresses vfaraco@unina.it and ciaksiscienza@unina.it or by phone at the number 3403483751.
