Main services and contacts of the Master’s Degree

Main services and contacts of the Master’s Degree

di Settore Didattica DiSLL -
Numero di risposte: 0

On behalf of prof. Denis BROTTO
Dear students,

considering the large amount of emails to be managed, we ask you to write only after having checked in Moodle, in the Syllabus pages of the courses and in the Master’s Degree website that the answers to your questions are not already present.

We also ask you to send your requests ONLY to the office in charge of reply. Here you can find the main services and contacts of the Master’s Degree.


Global Engagement Office (International Students):

Admissions and Welcome Unit -

Immigration procedures (visa, residence permit…) SAOS Office - 

International Office-DISLL:

Academic issues (teaching activities, study plan):

Servizio Tutor Junior:

Erasmus office (Erasmus+ for Study) :

Stage office (stage and Erasmus+ Traineeship):

Chair of the Degree course: prof. Denis Brotto

Erasmus coordinator: proff. Michele Cortelazzo e Stefano Sbalchiero

Stage coordinator: prof. Marco Scarcelli

Communication Strategies coordinator: prof. Luigi Marfé


We remind you that the President of the Course cannot make evaluations via email regarding admission to the Master's Degree. This type of request will not be considered.

Finally, we remind you to sign your emails, to use an appropriate and formal language and to indicate clearly and concisely the reason of your communication.