Green4C Summer School

Green4C Summer School

par Master Local Development,
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Dear Students,

Unipd's Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry organises the Green4C Summer School: specialisation in Green Care entrepreneurship.

The Summer School is an exclusive and unique opportunity to gain knowledge and entrepreneurial skills in Green Care. For the first time, top European experts in Green Care will come together to share knowledge and best practices related to this sector.

The Summer School will take place from the 15th of June to the 8th of July 2022, both online and in presence: the first week will be online, while the remaining three will be hosted at the University of Padova (Agripolis Campus).

The program of the Summer School is based on the combination of theoretical, hands-on, and experiential learning approach - drawing from trans-disciplinary traditions, such as design thinking, creative practices, visioning & foresight, appreciative  inquiry, mindfulness, etc. The participants will be able to learn about the scientific foundations of Green Care and also observe practical examples during field visits. Each week the Summer School will feature key guests- top European experts in Green Care- who will join the participants to share knowledge and good practices in the sector. The Summer School will also focus on the development of important entrepreneurial skills and competencies, such as business plan development, financial planning, fundraising, effective communication, marketing, and networking. The participants will be able to test their knowledge, reflect on their learning journeys and sharpen their entrepreneurial idea through development of a final project in Green Care.

Participation in the Summer School is free of charge for students.

For all details regarding application and logistics please check their site: or get in touch with the organisers at

