Assembly Communication Strategies- April, 6 at 6:30 PM

Assembly Communication Strategies- April, 6 at 6:30 PM

by Settore Didattica DiSLL -
Number of replies: 0

On behalf of Prof. Denis BROTTO


Dear students,
given the importance of the meeting, please note that today Wednesday, April 6, at 6:30 p.m. (classroom 11 - Beato Pellegrino Complex) the assembly of the course in Communication Strategies will be held, within the Week for the Improvement of Teaching.

The meeting will be an opportunity to evaluate together the course and exchange some considerations on future developments to be undertaken.

Best wishes,
Denis Brotto

PD: You will be able to follow the meeting also by connecting via zoom to the following address:

(Modificato da International DiSLL - intervento originale effettuato il mercoledì, 6 aprile 2022, 10:57)