Upcoming seminar cycle - prof. Osti

Upcoming seminar cycle - prof. Osti

di Master Local Development -
Numero di risposte: 1

Dear all,

Prof. Osti, within his class SOCIAL DYNAMICS IN LOCAL DEVELOPMENT, hosts a short seminar series:

- 2nd May, 4.30 pm: Giulio Carli (teacher of Economic Geography), An industrial district is a centre or a periphery? Looking inside the Castel Goffredo’s case

- 10th May, 4.30 pm: Caterina Bracchi (PhD student Catholic University of Brescia), A city of water; Mantua Lakes and River as source of disorientation (spaesamento)?

- 11th May, 4.30 pm:  Michela Carlini (student Master Local Development, University of Padua), Reciprocity, cultures, religion: the donors community network in South East Asia

All seminars will take place both in Aula Africa and online. For further info, check the poster attached.




di Master Local Development -

Dear all,

This is reminder of the seminar that will take place on 2nd May, 4.30 pm: Giulio Carli (teacher of Economic Geography), An industrial district is a centre or a periphery? Looking inside the Castel Goffredo’s case within Prof. Osti's short seminar series.

