Call for the 6th edition of the Mentor&Me Program

Call for the 6th edition of the Mentor&Me Program

par Settore Didattica DiSLL,
Nombre de réponses : 0

On behalf of the Career Service Office - Job Orientation Sector -


Mentor&Me is the mentoring program that the University of Padua, in collaboration with the Alumni Association, has been running for several years and which offers the possibility for those enrolled in bachelor, doctoral or master's degree programs or who have completed their degree to be supported by a professional from the world of work. The figure of the mentor is a manager or an experienced person who provides the mentee with his or her professionalism, to deepen the career paths or skills required by the market today, thus providing support and guidance in making professional choices or building a career.

The path, reserved for a small group of participants, has a maximum duration of 6 months and includes at least 6 online meetings with the assigned mentor and some group sessions by the Career service, on issues related to the insertion into the world of work. 

The 6th edition starts in June 2022 and ends in January 2023. 

As a mentee, the following people can participate: students enrolled in a Bachelor, Master or PhD program, students enrolled in a Master program, or those who have completed their degree within 12 months. In this 6th edition, in collaboration with the association WIS Italy - Women in Surgery, a quota of places is reserved for female students of the degree course in Medicine and Surgery and the specialization course in General Surgery.

To apply as a mentee, please fill out the application form on the website by May 11, 2022.