Becoming a Unipd Tutor

Becoming a Unipd Tutor

par Master Local Development,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Dear students,

Unipd's call for student-tutors are open until May 23rd!

The Tutoring Service supports students throughout their University career. Tutors help students to manage their study time and to deal with any organisational difficulties, such as completing study plans. They also help them to plan for examinations. Tutors are students enrolled in single-cycle degrees, Master's degrees, doctoral degrees or specialisation degrees, and they receive special training so that they can perform their role effectively.

Every year, the university announces a competition that takes account of university merit, abilities and aptitudes, evaluated by way of a selection interview. Winners are eligible for a systematic training regime, both on commencing and during their learning activity, given through periodic monitoring and assessment meetings.

Best regards,


Selection notice

FURTHER INFO Becoming a Unipd Tutor

par Master Local Development,

Dear all,

We would like to remark that the BeTutor initiative includes the tutor buddies, which are of great importance for international students coming to Padua, as many of you already know.

We invite you to check the dedicated selection notice here. It includes all the specific information on the selection process and the work our tutor buddies carry out (including remuneration).

Best regards,
