Connected and Plastic. Porous boundaries of humans and machines in biomedical innovations

Connected and Plastic. Porous boundaries of humans and machines in biomedical innovations

by Scuola di Scienze umane -
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Dear colleagues,

the PaSTIS Research Unit (Padova Science Technology and Innovation Studies - University of Padova) and the STS Lab UNIL (Laboratoire d’étude des sciences et des techniques - Université de Lausanne) are pleased to invite you to participate to the joint seminar entitled "Connected and Plastic. Porous boundaries of humans and machines in biomedical innovations" to be held in Padova (FISPPA Department - Section of Sociology - Via Cesarotti n. 10/12), on 14th and 15th September 2023.

The seminar will explore the different socio-technical dimensions related to ongoing biomedical approaches to “connected” and “plastic” brains and bodies, hence to assess their implications ranging from health practices and policies to care relationships, up to the reconfiguration of patients’ identities and care environments.

The two confirmed keynote speeches will be delivered by Ruth Müller (University of Munich) and Ola Söderström (University of Neuchâtel). Attached you can find the full program.

The seminar is free of charge and the registration is now open for online or in-person participation.

The seminar is organized with the support of the University of Padova (Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology) and the University of Lausanne (Institut des Sciences Sociales), within their ongoing privileged partnership for joint projects.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions to the following email address: <

All the best


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