English-language drama workshops – valid for 3 credits (3CFU)

English-language drama workshops – valid for 3 credits (3CFU)

by Settore Didattica DiSLL -
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On behalf of Fiona DALZIEL

English-language drama workshops – valid for 3 credits (3CFU) for students of:

Lingue, letterature e mediazione culturale

Lingue e letterature europee e americane  

English Studies

Lingue moderne per lcomunicazione e lcooperazione internazionale

Strategie dcomunicazione  


This academic year, there will be two different English-language drama workshops.


1. Full-scale theatre group (2 semesters)

This group will meet every week (Wednesday 5pm-7pm) from Wednesday 18 October 2023 until June 2024. It will conclude with a final public performance at the end of June 2024.


If you are interested, you can sign up here:



2. Process Drama workshop (1 semester)

This workshop will consist of six 4-hour meetings (Thursdays 2.30pm-6pm, from Thursday 19 October). The participants will engage in drama activities, using English and focusing on themes such as intercultural dialogue and belonging, but there will be no final performance.


If you are interested, you can sign up here:




For more information, contact Fiona Dalziel
