IP presentation day with engineers/data scientists

IP presentation day with engineers/data scientists

par Tomaso Erseghe,
Nombre de réponses : 2
Dear all,
the IP presentation day with engineers/data scientists will be on Fri Nov 24, 2023 (Friday next week) at 10:30 at DEI, the Department of Information Engineering (via Gradenigo 6/b, close to Portello). We are still waiting for confirmation about the room, and we will inform you on this issue asap.

On Fri Nov 24, 2023 the lectures of Social network analysis and Digital cultur, gender, and society will be swapped, i.e.
- 8:30 Digital cultur, gender, and society --> classroom 11
- 10:30 Social network analysis --> Dei @ Portello

see also https://agendastudentiunipd.easystaff.it

Your instructors

Ri: IP presentation day with engineers/data scientists

par Tomaso Erseghe,
Dear all,

here is the plan for Fri Nov 24, 2023 @ 10:30am IP presentations to data scientists/engineers.

First of all, we will be @ the Dept. of Information Engineering, which is close to Portello, in via Gradenigo 6/b. See directions here: https://www.dei.unipd.it/en/department/how-reach-us

Specifically we are in the hall room (Aula Magna Lepschy), which is in the DEI/D building, at the back of the main building facing the Piovego Canal, see https://www.dei.unipd.it/en/department/map-department

We’ll put appropriate signs from the entrance through via Gradenigo, so that it will be easy for you to get there.

The (tight) schedule will be as follows (5 mins sharp per group + 2 mins for switch):

10:30 Introduction
10:37 LoveYourSelf: bodyshaming from fashion industry
10:44 Fast Fashion Fighters: Shein’s brand morality through the eyes of social media audiences
10:51 popsTar: Miquela AI popstar and emotional impact on her audience
10:58 Barbie: How has the Barbie Movie by Greta Gerwig influenced the discussion about feminism?
11:05 Abortion Right: revocation of Abortion Right in USA (2022) and reaction of the public opinion
11:12 PI: governments' stances versus public opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict
11:19 Blacklivesmatter: a semantic analysis on victimization and majority member activism
11:26 Activism or Alarmism: mapping Climate Change discourse in social networks
11:33 Study abroad: push and pull factors investigated through social networks
11:40 Wall-E: ethical attitudes towards AI in dfferent countries
11:47 Discussion and conclusions

We gave tentative descriptions to each project, but please be so kind to revise and correct as appropriate (and let us know).

As each group will have 5 minutes (sharp), you'll need maximum 5 or 6 slides each, which should include: title, your names and contacts, the overall research question, a very brief theoretical framing and possibly the associated socio-psychological markers of interest, the main sources for your inquiry (e.g., which social networks), any additional relevant aspect for data scientists/engineers (i.e., are we working on text, emojis, images, video, or what?), a list of the relevant literature

Your instructors

Ri: IP presentation day with engineers/data scientists

par Tomaso Erseghe,
Dear all,

here is the updated schedule for tomorrow Fri Nov 24, 2023 @ 10:30am IP presentations to data scientists/engineers.

10:30 LoveYourSelf: bodyshaming from fashion industry
10:35 Fast Fashion Fighters: Shein’s brand morality through the eyes of social media audiences
10:40 popsTar: Miquela AI popstar and emotional impact on her audience
10:45 Barbie: How has the Barbie Movie by Greta Gerwig influenced the discussion about feminism?
10:50 Abortion Right: revocation of Abortion Right in USA (2022) and reaction of the public opinion
10:55 PI: governments' stances versus public opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict
11:00 Blacklivesmatter: a semantic analysis on victimization and majority member activism
11:05 Activism or Alarmism: mapping Climate Change discourse in social networks
11:10 Study abroad: push and pull factors investigated through social networks
11:15 Wall-E: ethical attitudes towards AI in dfferent countries
11:20 Conclusions
11:25 Event in memory of Giulia Cecchettin, with the Rector and many authorities, right outside the hall room

As the schedule is pretty tight, please be on time and consider 3 minutes sharp for each presentation.

Also remember to upload your presentations by tonight in this folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16rALSOmHaaCmAUezVC1ihkf6yXQFuxCr?usp=drive_link

We’ll put appropriate signs from the entrance through via Gradenigo, so that it will be easy for you to get to the hall room.

Remember that we will be @ the Dept. of Information Engineering, which is close to Portello, in via Gradenigo 6/b. See directions here: https://www.dei.unipd.it/en/department/how-reach-us

Specifically we are in the hall room (Aula Magna Lepschy), which is in the DEI/D building, at the back of the main building facing the Piovego Canal, see https://www.dei.unipd.it/en/department/map-department

Your instructors