IP presentation day with engineers/data scientists

Ri: IP presentation day with engineers/data scientists

di Tomaso Erseghe -
Numero di risposte: 0
Dear all,

here is the updated schedule for tomorrow Fri Nov 24, 2023 @ 10:30am IP presentations to data scientists/engineers.

10:30 LoveYourSelf: bodyshaming from fashion industry
10:35 Fast Fashion Fighters: Shein’s brand morality through the eyes of social media audiences
10:40 popsTar: Miquela AI popstar and emotional impact on her audience
10:45 Barbie: How has the Barbie Movie by Greta Gerwig influenced the discussion about feminism?
10:50 Abortion Right: revocation of Abortion Right in USA (2022) and reaction of the public opinion
10:55 PI: governments' stances versus public opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict
11:00 Blacklivesmatter: a semantic analysis on victimization and majority member activism
11:05 Activism or Alarmism: mapping Climate Change discourse in social networks
11:10 Study abroad: push and pull factors investigated through social networks
11:15 Wall-E: ethical attitudes towards AI in dfferent countries
11:20 Conclusions
11:25 Event in memory of Giulia Cecchettin, with the Rector and many authorities, right outside the hall room

As the schedule is pretty tight, please be on time and consider 3 minutes sharp for each presentation.

Also remember to upload your presentations by tonight in this folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16rALSOmHaaCmAUezVC1ihkf6yXQFuxCr?usp=drive_link

We’ll put appropriate signs from the entrance through via Gradenigo, so that it will be easy for you to get to the hall room.

Remember that we will be @ the Dept. of Information Engineering, which is close to Portello, in via Gradenigo 6/b. See directions here: https://www.dei.unipd.it/en/department/how-reach-us

Specifically we are in the hall room (Aula Magna Lepschy), which is in the DEI/D building, at the back of the main building facing the Piovego Canal, see https://www.dei.unipd.it/en/department/map-department

Your instructors