Participatory Science, Environmental social movements, and structural change in polluted industrial regions: France and the US | 14/12/23 16h00

Participatory Science, Environmental social movements, and structural change in polluted industrial regions: France and the US | 14/12/23 16h00

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--- Communication from the School of Human Sciences. English version below ---


il 14 dicembre dalle 16.00 alle 18.30 presso l'aula Seminari di via cesarotti 11/12 la prof.ssa Barbara Allen (College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Virginia Tech - Washington DC) terrà un seminario dal titolo "Participatory Science, Environmental social movements, and structural change in polluted industrial regions: France and the US". 

Introdurrà e modererà l’incontro il prof. Federico Neresini (PaSTIS research unit - Università di Padova).

L’incontro è organizzato dal gruppo di ricerca PaSTIS del Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata (FISPPA) dell’Università di Padova.

Per la partecipazione, sia online che in presenza, è richiesta la prenotazione al seguente link:

Per informazioni: 

Dear all,

on 14 December from 4.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. at the Aula Seminari in via Cesarotti 11/12, Prof. Barbara Allen (College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Virginia Tech - Washington DC) will hold a seminar entitled "Participatory Science, Environmental social movements, and structural change in polluted industrial regions: France and the US". 

Prof. Federico Neresini (PaSTIS research unit - University of Padua) will introduce and moderate the meeting.

The meeting is organised by the PaSTIS research unit of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) of the University of Padua.

For participation, both online and on site, booking is required at the following link:

For further information: