Care studentesse e cari studenti,
vi informo che in data 19 e 20 Dicembre abbiamo organizzato un convegno online sulla variazione sintattica, "Newts: new trends in language variation". Il collegamento zoom è: Chiunque fosse interessato/a è il/la benvenuto/a.
Il programma è il seguente:
19 Dicembre 2023
9.30-10.30: Guglielmo Cinque (University Ca’ Foscari Venezia) "On the Final-Over-Final Condition, the Head-Final-Filter and their exceptions"
10.45-11.45: Lieven Danckaert (University of Lille) "The Subject Agreement Cycle and the development of V2 grammars"
12.00-13.00: Jean-Yves Pollock (University Paris VIII) "On French Que, Quoi, Ce que and clefts"
14.30-15.30: Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia) "Conjunctions and labelling in the left periphery: a surprising contrast"
15.30-16.45: Sam Wolfe (University of Oxford) "Parametric Variation in Romance - New Developments and Open Questions"
17.00-18.00: Sali Tagliamonte (University of Toronto)" Dialect syntax in the spoken vernacular: Insights from 20th century variation and change"
20 Dicembre 2023
9.30-10.30: Chiara Gianollo (University of Bologna) "The ambiguity of ‘other’: synchronic and diachronic aspects"
10.45-11.45: George Walkden (University of Konstanz) "Partial null subject languages and D in early Germanic"
12.00-13.00: Anne Breitbarth (University of Gent) "Hunting for structures in treebank forests"
14.30-15.30: Adam Ledgeway (University of Cambridge) "Reconstructing diachronic variation from synchronic variation: Some cases studies from Romance"
15.30-16.45: Rita Manzini (University of Florence) "Negation by phase: Variation in Romance sentential negation and Negative Concord"
17.00-18.00: Giuseppe Longobardi (University of Trieste) "to be announced"
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