workshop on how to write a thesis on English literature and culture and culture

workshop on how to write a thesis on English literature and culture and culture

by Rocco Coronato -
Number of replies: 0

I am pleased to announce that, as promised towards the end of the first semester, we have recently organized a workshop on reading English literary classics, focusing particularly on how to write a thesis. Many of you expressed interest in this activity.

The workshop, consisting of 18 hours, will be conducted in a seminar format with a hands-on approach. It will span from the last week of May to the first half of June. It will be divided into 3-4 sessions to facilitate attendance and will conclude with a collective discussion of your individual projects. 

We hope that this workshop will become a regular feature of your MA in English Studies. It is strongly recommended for all students, especially those intending to graduate in English literature and culture, regardless of the specific periods or authors they are studying.

Dates and places tba.

Please refer to me ( for further info,

best wishes,

Rocco Coronato