Rationale of the program: PAPER tries to respond the need of a group of learners in develop, update and advance their theoretical and practice knowledge about methods to conduct research in the field of education.

Objective of the program: PAPER aims to develop in learner the ability to continually advance his understanding and practice as researcher. The program can be personalized on individual learning needs through a self-formative assessment build on the key competence of a researcher in the educational field.

The Model of competencies: The program sets the main competences to become a good researcher in the educational field, this competences origin from the books:

  • Corbetta, P. (1999). Metodologie e Tecniche della Ricerca Sociale
  • Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
  • APA (2009). APA Manual VI edition

The competencies model will be revised and agreed by each participant of the PAPER program.   

Participant in the project: Learners are the real resources of PAPER. Trying to advance their competences, the learners work in a project based environment to realize a presentation. During the learning process that leads to presentation, learner can use the others participants as advisors on educational research topic to present during the PAPER presentation. All the participants can provide support by (Angelique, Kyle, & Taylor, 2002):

  • sharing information on potential grant sources
  • providing information for conferences and training course
  • identifying potential for each others’ work
  • proof reading and editing each others’ work
  • voicing concerns related to teaching
  • reviewing syllabi
  • sharing ideas on balancing teaching research and service activities
  • discussing way to manage time
  • exchanging information on community connection


During the presentation the discussion you will be able to create with the other participants will be the real added value of PAPER and  this group sharing experience will become the most important factor in learners’ personalization.

The learning process

To assist you during the learning process the program provides two instruments probably usefully to conduct a self-directed learning experience.

  1. The Self-diagnosis rating scale is a formative assessment instrument with which any participant can self-assess his/her competencies in the provided model and understand his/her points of strength and weaknesses.
  2. The learning contract in which you can list your learning objectives, learning resources, learning evidences, the means and the criteria to evaluate the learning (more information on the use of contracts in the document “guidelines to  the use of learning contract”).       

The presentation

The project based environment of PAPER requires you to realize a public speaking performance. In this way we try to simulate a real class environment.

Presentation can relates to any topic the participants thinks to be important for him/herself!

Presentations need to be the more engageable possible! Please note that more engageable do not means necessary to invest your time creating uncredible powerpoint slides. Try to inspire people with the topics on which you are researching day by day and that, in your opinion, you will never end to study.    


The PAPER program is designed to create a common process of learning and participant’s commitment is foundamental for the success of the experience. The PAPER program hopes to engage you and your group in a continuous learning experience to advance your ability in educational research.

Last modified: Thursday, 16 October 2014, 11:22 AM