Art. 20, comma 6 del Regolamento Studenti di Ateneo
-> Regolamento carriere studenti (D.R. 1371 del 27.05.2014)
"Lo studente è tenuto a presentare il piano di studio prima di sostenere le prove di accertamento".

"Piano di Studio" must be edited online, in the student's personal booklet (Uniweb), starting from the first year of study. Activities' insertion in the "Piano di Studio" facilitates the student various subsequent operations such as: the automatic display in the electronic booklet of the exam sessions for the subjects included in the plan; registration on the lists of the exams; marks's registrations achieved.

UNIWEB Activities chosen by the student (free credits): inclusion in the study plan with Uniweb and use of

Deadlines 2021/2022

Last modified: Thursday, 23 September 2021, 3:27 PM