Based on the Bylaws for Students Careers  (art. 20, paragraph 6), the student is required to submit the Study Plan before taking the exams. To take the exams without submitting the Study Plan makes exam as  "out of Study Plan", therefore no valid for the Degree.

Terms for compilation:

a) First year Local Development students enrolled in Academic Year 2021/22: the Study Plan is automatically approved.
When to submit: from 25 October 2022 to 20 September 2023 (dates to be confirmed). 

b) Second year Local Development students enrolled in Academic Year 2020/21: the Study Plan is automatically approved.
When to submit: from 25 October 2022 to 20 September 2023 (dates to be confirmed).

After completing or modifying the Study Plan, the student must click on "Confirm Study Plan" to get all the teachings in his/her electronic booklet and to enroll for exams of Master Degree.

Where to insert the data?

For compile, change and presentation of their Study Plan, the students must use an online procedure activated on the Uniweb platform (

Entering in the personal Uniweb page (see: "home > study plan"), the students must follow the Choice Rules (“Regole di Scelta”) regarding their enrollment year. For a guide to the compilation, please consult the on-line manual available at the following link.

Which learning activities to insert?

The Choice Rules for filling in the Study Plan follow the terms of the Didactic Bylaws (see: “Regolamento Didattico - Allegato 2) of the Local Development Master's Degree. The “Allegato 2” presents the plan of Course Units planned for each enrollment.

When to fill in the plan?

The Study Plan must be compiled at the beginning of each Academic Year and the choices made can be modified until the submission of the definitive Study Plan, due for the final year, in any case before  the application for admission to the final thesis.

Ultime modifiche: lunedì, 12 settembre 2022, 08:58