How does the procedure work?

The following slides have been prepared by a former student, Nicolas Cruz Gonzales. Consider them as useful insights from a peer of yours.

How should the thesis be written?

The thesis must be written and discussed in English. Starting from the 2017/18 cohort, an extended summary of the activities in Italian is mandatory.

For all details regarding structure, format, etc. please see our Guidelines.

Can the student choose a professor who is not a member of the degree program as a supervisor?

Yes, as long as the professor is a professor at the University of Padua and upon authorization of the Coordinator of the Master in Local Development.

Can the student choose a retired professor, a visiting professor or a professor who is not from the University of Padua as a supervisor?

Yes. In this case, the external professor has to be flanked by a professor related to the degree program who acts as the main supervisor, i.e. the student must have two supervisors.

Can the student change the title/abstract of their thesis after registration?

Yes. For the modification of the thesis title and abstract, the supervisor must send an urgent email to with all the necessary corrections.

Can the student get an extension to the thesis submission deadline?
Yes, but only in extraordinary circumstances. The supervisor can contact requesting a the new deadline and the School of Human Sciences will assess whether or not to grant the extension taking into consideration the administrative procedures.

When and where is the calendar of the discussions published?

The calendar of the discussions and other useful details are published about 10 days before the call (see calendar) on the moodle page of the School of Human Sciences.

For other details regarding the discussion, please see our Guidelines 

Which grade can be awarded to the final exam?

The details concerning the achievement of your Master's degree are explained in Art. 6 of the Rules  — Conseguimento della laurea magistrale.

The final degree is the weighted average of grades obtained for exams and internships + the points obtained for the final exam.

The Committee will assign 1 to 5 points for the thesis defence.

Extra points are foreseen for:

  • Credits obtained on international mobility (0,3 per 9 CFU)

  • Internships abroad (0,6)

  • 1 extra merit point

The scale of the final mark is 110. Cum Laude is awarded at the Committee's discretion to students who achieve at least 110/110 and have had at least one exam marked as 30L in their record.

Modifié le: vendredi 30 août 2024, 10:28