Opzioni di iscrizione


This course addresses art between the two World Wars (1918-1945) in its geopolitical context, with particular attention to the circulation of artists, ideas, and works between Europe and North and South America.

Below is the list of topics that will be addressed:

1. Soldier-artists during the First World War
2. The après-guerre in Paris: crisis of the Salons, new art galleries
3. The après-guerre in Berlin: Dada and New Objectivity
4. New artistic capitals: Sao Paulo, Berlin, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, New York
5. Transatlantic figuration: Return to order, precisionism, indigenism
6. Aesthetic pluralism during the fascist regime
7. International constructivism between revolution and reaction
8. Surrealism as a global avant-garde
9. The debate on realism
10. New cultural institutions: MoMA (New York)
11. Muralism and public art: Italy-United States-Mexico
12. Capitals of abstraction: Paris-Montevideo-London
13. Visual culture of the Spanish Civil War
14. International exhibitions as cultural diplomacy
15. Art and Nazism in Germany and in the occupied territories
16. Artists in exile during the Second World War
17. A new après-guerre: the reorganization of the art world
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)