Opzioni di iscrizione

Welcome to the course of Public Digital History!

The workshop will introduce you to Public Digital History by focussing on museums’ digitalization projects. It aims to examine how the digitalization of museums’ collections and digital projects can help mediate the physical artefacts and the narratives they embody to various publics. By addressing several case studies, it also aims to understand how digital tools have transformed museums core activities like classifying, storing, conserving, curating, displaying, researching museums objects, and their relationship and collaboration with communities.

In a nutshell, you will learn:
• to navigate and evaluate the digital projects realized by museums;
• to engage with museums' digitized collections and exploit digital tools to make research;
• to assess the political dimension of the digitalization projects carried out by museums and cultural institutions, more broadly.
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)