Dear students,
I am very glad to write you this email to give you more information on our next conference.
Next conference will be held on friday 30th of November (15.00-17.00) by André Torre (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA). Prof. Torre will talk about The complex role of geographical proximity in the process of coordination between local or distant actors, and will guide us in understanding the importance of the geographical dimension in approaching the territorial development processes. The conference will be held in Sala degli Specchi, Via del Santo 26 (first floor).
Professor Torre sent us some references that could guide you in approaching the conference topic in advance, with the aim of encouraging the debate. Here they are:
- BOSCHMA R (2005) Proximity and innovation. A critical assessment. Regional Studies 39(1): 61-74.
- BALLAND P-A, BOSCHMA R, FRENKEN K (2015) Proximity and Innovation: From Statics to Dynamics. Regional Studies 49(6): 907-920.
- TORRE A, RALLET A (2005) Proximity and Localization. Regional Studies 39(1): 47-60.
- TORRE A (2008), On the role played by temporary geographical proximity in knowledge transfer, Regional Studies, 42, 6, 869-889.
- TORRE A. (2014), Proximity relations at the heart of territorial development processes. From clusters, spatial conflicts and temporary geographical proximity to territorial governance, in TORRE A., WALLET F. (eds), 2014, Regional development and proximity relations, New Horizons in regional Science, Edward Elgar, London, 375p
Since most of the suggested papers have been published in Regional Studies journal, I take advantage of this email to present you a VERY USEFUL TOOL provided by the University of Padova. Like the other universities, Unipd pays a yearly subscription to a considerable number of academic journals. You can freely access the papers published in these journals from the University PC, but you can also have REMOTE ACCESS using your student account (the via Proxy.
Please go to, and you will find all the instruction to install the auth-proxy add-on on your browser that will allow you to be recognized as University of Padova member and will give you access to the journals.
Please remember that the off-campus connection will be very useful also during the writing of your thesis.
Should you need any other information, do not hesitate to write us.
All the best.