IMPORTANT INFO and INSTRUCTIONS for the field trip with prof. Laura Secco on the 10-11th January 2019 - LD and STEDE courses

IMPORTANT INFO and INSTRUCTIONS for the field trip with prof. Laura Secco on the 10-11th January 2019 - LD and STEDE courses

by Edgar Jose' Serrano -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students, 

good morning.

I hope this email finds you well. 

As announced before Christmas holidays, I am writing some logistic instructions for the 2-days field trip to Val Belluna, scheduled on the 10th and 11th of January 2019. 

We will visit a rural area in the North-East of Veneto region, the Val Belluna area, between the towns of Belluno and Feltre. During the field trip we will meet the representatives of 4 different important initiatives connected to local development processes (the Local Action Group Prealpi e Dolomiti bellunesi, the social cooperative La Fiorita, the agraria school Antonio Della Lucia in Vellai and the business activity Val Belluna Green Net Network) and we will visit 2 important sites (the Ethnographic Museum of Seravella and the Brewery Pedavena) . 

The visit will focus on 3 main issues: 

1. the role of public-private partnership and networks to promote nature-based LD with a sustainable approach
2. the role of the local knowledge, traditions, culturale heritage in determining the territorial identity at the basis of responsible-oriented LD processes
3. the role of natural capital and ecosystem services in supporting responsible-oriented LD processes.

The weather forecast is cloudy on Thursday 10 and sunny on Friday 11, but we are in a mountainous area, at an altitude of ca. 400-500 meters. The expected average temperature will be approximately 1-2°C, but without the sun it can be lower (-5°C). Thus, please use warm clothes, hats, gloves and boots

The costs are covered by your courses (LD or STEDE), i.e. by the University of Padova, a part for the lunch of Thursday the 10th of January. For this lunch there are 2 options: you can bring your packed lunch from home, and have it outdoor in a nice park, or you can pay by yourself one lunch at the canteen of the school that we will visit. In this last case, you can register for the lunch directly on Thursday, when you will be on the bus, and pay directly the amount to me (I will collect the money, communicate to the canteen the number of people who will have the lunch there and use the collected money for paying the canteen for the whole group of those who will have lunch there. The cost is 5,00 Euro/person: please if you want to have the lunch at the canteen bring the correct amount with you!!!). 

Attention: bring with you: 
- your personal identity card or passport  (ATTENTION: the University card is not enough!!!)
- your laptop (at least one for group), for the work on the project proposals development and/or presentation that is scheduled on Thursday, the 10th of January, in the evening.

In the following, you will find a short recall of the program and contents and other important information. 


Thursday, the 10th of January 2019
  • 9:00 - Departure from Padova: in front of the Bus Central Station, near to the Padova Railway Station. The exact meeting point is along the street that is just in front of the bus you take to come to Legnaro, close to the roundabout. You have to search for a TOURISTIC BUS named GAROLDINI. Be on time: we will not wait for late students! 
  • 10:45 - Arrival in Val Belluna (Scuola Agraria di Vellai, BL) 
  • 11:00 - 12:00 - Vellai: Meeting with the Director of the social cooperative La Fiorita ( and the Technical School on Agriculture (and Farm) I.I.S. Antonio Della Lucia (
  • 12:00 - 13:00 - Vellai: Meeting with one representative of the business initiative Val Belluna Green Net Network, for the development of slow tourism in the area
  • 13:00 - 14:00 - Vellai: lunch (ATTENTION: this lunch is not covered by the University. As explained, you can bring your packed lunch with you or have a lunch at the canteen of the school. In this last case, you need to register for the lunch when we will leave from Padova and give me the requested amount of money). 
  • 14:00 - 15:00 - Transfer to Cesiomaggiore, BL: pit stop during the transfer for a coffee or hot drink at the Bar Bianco Lattebusche (Busche, BL), short visit at the La Fiorita shop in Busche and arrival to the Museo Etnografico della Provincia di Belluno, a Seravella - Cesiomaggiore 
  • 15:00 - 16:30 - Visit at the Seravella Ethnographic Museum, in Cesiomaggiore (
  • 16:30 - 17:00 - Transfer to the accommodation, Centro Papa Luciani (Col Cumano, Santa Giustina BL)

  • 17:30 - 19:30 - Lesson and project proposals presentations (for those groups which are ready) or power points development (for those groups which have still to prepare the project proposal) 
  • 19:30 - 20:30 - Dinner at the Centro Papa Luciani (Col Cumano) 
  • 20:30 - 21:30 - Further discussion on project proposals (if needed)
  • 21:30 - Night at the Centro Papa Luciani (Col Cumano, Santa Giustina BL)

Friday, the 11th of January 2019
  • 07:30 - 08:30 - Breakfast at the Centro Papa Luciani (Col Cumano, Santa Giustina BL)

  • 08:30 - 9:00 - Transfer from Col Cumano to Sedico, BL
  • 09:00 - 11:00 - Meeting with the Director of the Local Action Group Prealpi e Dolomiti bellunesi, in Sedico (
  • 11:30 - 13:00 - Lesson on RDP and other instruments for local development processes in rural areas
  • 13:00 - 13:30 - Transfer from Sedico to Pedavena, at the Brewery Pedavena (
  • 13:30 - 14.30 - Lunch at the Birreria Pedavena, in Pedavena, BL 
  • 14:45 - 15.15 - Short visit at the brewery and discussion on its role in the local development of the area
  • 15:30 - Departure from Pedavena, BL
  • 17:15 - Arrival in Padova (Railway Station)



Please find attached our safety rules for outdoor teaching activities. 

I will give you a printed copy on the bus on Thursday, and you are required to read carefully through all of them before we jump out of the bus in Vellai.  

I will also ask you to sign a statement that you received the safety rules before we begin the visit. 

As you will see, some of the rules will not apply (e.g., the use of an helmet, as we will not visit a forest). 


Just to avoid that we will wait for people who is not coming and that we make extra efforts for organizing everything counting on the number of pre-registered students! See the Post Scriptum, please!

In case of need, here is there is my mobile phone: +39-331-1720272

As an alternative, you can also use the mobile phone of Kamini Vicentini, who will join us: +39-349-0760634


See you on Thursday. Have a nice day. 

Best regards,

Laura Secco

P.S. With the occasion, I want to stress a point. For the role game we had on the 20th of December in Legnaro, 9 students (9!) pre-registered but not attended the lesson. Only a few of them informed me in advance of unexpected obstacles and of their absence, but I arranged everything for 32 students (not for 23!), including finding a special location (not in our normal classrooms), asking to 2 teachers of other courses in Agripolis - who were using normally that room - to exchange with me their lessons and finding and booking for them an alternative classroom, setting all the equipment necessary in that special room, and last but not least re-adjusting the exercise with the roles assigned to students who did not attend the lesson! Not informing me about your absence have had a lot of consequences not only for me (a lot of time used for organizing the role game in a special room for 32 people, while it would have been enough a normal room in our Campus!), but also for your friends and these consequences were detrimental to the effectiveness of their (they had to come to the special room in Legnaro; they had to walk from the special location to the canteen, thus being late in the exercise; they had to wait that I re-assigned the roles and it took time, thus we had less time for the exercise and discussion). really hope that this disrespectful behavior will not repeat for the field trip.

Prof. Laura Secco