Strike 11 October 2021

Strike 11 October 2021

par Utilisateur supprimé,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Following art. 2 paragraph 6 of the law of 12 June 1990 n. 146 and subsequent amendments and additions, we inform you that for the whole day of Monday 11 October 2021, the following strikes have been organised involving the Education and Research sector:

- National general strike of the private and public sectors throughout the country called by the trade unions ADL COBAS, Confederazione COBAS, COBAS Scuola Sardegna, CUB, SGB, SI COBAS, SIAL COBAS, SLAI COBAS S.C., USB, USI CIT, CIB UNICOBAS, CLAP e FUORI MERCATO, FLMU, AL Cobas, SOL Cobas, and SOA.

- National general strike of all permanent and temporary employees, with precarious and atypical contracts of any form, including trainees and apprentices, for all public areas (including school), and categories of private and cooperative work called by U.S.I. - Unione Sindacale Italiana Confederazione sindacale

- National general strike of all teaching staff and ATA permanent and temporary employees of schools, research and universities in force both in national and foreign branches called by Associazione Sindacale Unicobas Scuola&Università.

Minimum essential services, listed in art. 18 of the Collective Labor Agreement, are guaranteed: Exams, Registration and enrollment, Certifications, Competitive exams, Elections.