The Liviano Library celebrates Padua's fourteenth-century fresco cycles

The Liviano Library celebrates Padua's fourteenth-century fresco cycles

di Settore Didattica DiSLL -
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On behalf of dr.ssa Angela Bigi
International Desk
 @ Department of  Linguistic and Literary Studies
Via E. Vendramini, 20, 35137 Padova PD

Until Friday 27 January, the Liviano Library, during library opening hours
The Liviano Library exhibition houses bibliographic and documentary collections on the history of medieval art that support the research and teaching of the Department of Cultural Heritage and the Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences. The exhibition now includes highlights from a selection of materials that tell the story of the monuments of "Padua Urbs Picta" and related studies. Exhibited materials include ancient and modern books, periodicals, sound, and printed musical material.