Call for applications EHESS Summer School 2023 / Appel à candidatures pour l'École d'été de l'EHSS 2023 au Campus Condorcet Paris-Aubervilliers

Call for applications EHESS Summer School 2023 / Appel à candidatures pour l'École d'été de l'EHSS 2023 au Campus Condorcet Paris-Aubervilliers

by Comunicazione DiSSGeA -
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Relying on its resolutely international dimension, EHESS organizes its second Summer School edition on the Campus Condorcet Paris-Aubervilliers. It will be held from 3 to 7 July 2023, is destined to international students and will explore the theme "Mapping violences". 

Registration will be open from 1 February to 31 March 2023.

The EHESS Summer School on Campus Condorcet Paris-Aubervilliers is meant to be an international event gathering all institutions present on this new European research campus in the humanities and social sciences. This EHESS initiative is, pedagogically and scientifically supervised by a committee of scholars from several member institutions located on the Campus.

The theme of the 2023 edition: "Mapping violences"

The Summer School programme will the commitments of EHESS since its foundation: critical thinking, inter-disciplinarity and inter-institutionality.

By crossing different disciplinary, thematic and cultural approaches, the aim is to endeavor to map violence, to study practices, situations, experiences of violence and their arrangement in topographic, social and mental spaces. The objective is to favour the dialogue between different perspectives of research on violence and more particularly on extreme violence. Be it political violence, state violence, wars, guerrilla wars, revolutions, oppression, massacres, and domestic violence, since it is often -in these contexts- amplified, will also be broached. How are we to observe, define and analyse these violent phenomena? What are the methodological, epistemological and ethical questions specific to these particularly sensitive and fluid objects? 
