Liaison interpreting at a conference - Work experience and CFUs!

Liaison interpreting at a conference - Work experience and CFUs!

by Maria Teresa Musacchio -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

Our colleagues in Geography - and  particularly Prof. Mauro Varotto - are organing a conference on terraced landscapes in Padua in October 2016. Terraced landscapes are places like the Italian Cinque Terre and Amalfi coast. The conference will include a number of workshops/meetings in Padua and then travel to one of these 'terraced landscapes' in Italy. Prof. Varotto and his colleagues are looking for twenty students to work as liaison interpreters for English-French-Italian during the workshops/meeting in Padua and then to travel with delegates to one of the Italian terraced landscapes. Expenses will be covered by the organisers. In return for your work as interpreters, we have agreed to offer you:

- training in liaison interpreting with reference to terraced landscapes in English and French;

- 3CFU as 'Altre attività' or as part of my English linguistics and translation 2 course;

- possibility to write your thesis on the topic with a colleague in geography, with Prof. Henrot for French or with me for English as supervisors.

If you are interested, please send me an email at by the end of April. In May we are going to organise meetings to work on liaison interpreting and colleagues in geography will introduce you to terraced landscapes and their language.

At the moment six students have already applied, so there are still 14 vacant places. This is a kind of activity that would also be an asset in your CV when you start looking for a job. If you need more details before you make a final decision, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Varotto, Prof. Rossetto, Prof. Henrot or me.

Many thanks you for your attention.

Kind regards,

Maria Teresa Musacchio