At the end of the internship, students should send an to stage@unipd.it with the end-of-internship documentation, which can be downloaded from this link.

The email must contain:

a. certification from the company mentor

b. attendance record

c. student report 

The attestation and attendance record forms, saved in PDF/A format, must be signed electronically by the host institution while the report does not have to be signed.

It is essential to indicate in the email which internships are to be registered (Internship1 [6CFU] and/or Internship2 [3CFU] and/or Internship3 [3CFU]).

The Career Service office will send confirmation of the documents' submission. Do not send any documents to the internship contact person.


It is not necessary to sign up for any calls on Uniweb: the Career Service office will send the internship contact person (referring academic professor) all the necessary information so that he/she can proceed with the registration of the internship on a monthly basis. When required, registration will coincide with the deadlines for graduation sessions.

PLEASE NOTE, only for those who finished their internship before June 2, 2022:

Students who intend to register the internship must email the referring professor no later than the 2pm on the day scheduled in the examination schedule and attach all documentation endorsed by the Internship Service. Registration does not require showing up during the call.

The subject line of the email should be a sentence that follows the following pattern: internshipCom SURNAME NAME
Here an example: student Mario Rossi should send all documentation by entering as the subject line StageCom ROSSI MARIO.

In the body of the email it will be necessary to indicate which internship you intend to register.

Last modified: Tuesday, 5 December 2023, 12:35 PM