Students who work may convert work hours to internships but ONLY for STAGE 1 (6 cfu). However, it must be a work activity closely related to the disciplines inherent to the degree program.

The request must be submitted to the Career Service Office by filling out the dedicated form; then the professor in charge of internships will evaluate the recognition of the activity.

 Together with the form, it should be sent to the Career Service Office ( :

a. The dedicated form;

b. A brief report showing the consistency of the professional activity with the educational objectives of the Degree Course.

c. The contractual and time specifications (duration and hourly commitment).

Both documents must be signed by the employer. 

If successful, Stage 1 will be registered on Uniweb.

Please note that no documents need to be sent to the internship contact person.

Modifié le: mardi 5 décembre 2023, 12:44