Course: Archaeological Sciences - Curriculum Applied sciences to cultural heritage materials and sites | Moodle Scienze umane

  • Master Degree: Archaeological Sciences

    Curriculum: Applied sciences to cultural heritage materials and sites

    Course Type: Second Cycle degree
    Location: Università di Padova
    Italian Class of Degree: LM-2 - Archaeology   
    Brochure of the course
    Language: English
     Duration: 2 years

    Apply Now

    2 November 2024 - 2 February 2025

    2 March 2025 - 2 May 2025

    2 June 2025 - 2 August 2025 (only for EU citizens, or non-EU citizens already residing in Italy)

    *Holders of an Italian Bachelor's degree should refer to "Avviso di ammissione"

     bookList of courses/contents

    Join our Open Weeks!

    Professors will present the degree programme along with international students. We will also discuss everything there is to know about applying, scholarships, fees, and student services.

    NEXT OPEN WEEK: APRIL 2025 (date to be published)

     Survival guide for foreign students,
     prepared by the International Desks
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    The Master’s degree acknowledges the recent scientific advances in the investigation of cultural heritage materials at different scales, from the site/landscape survey to diagnostics at the molecular and atomic levels, and the interpretation of derived information. Based on truly interdisciplinary collaborations, the programme offers the theoretical background and the necessary practical knowledge towards the application of scientific methods to archaeological and cultural heritage materials.

    The course wishes to emphasise the role of materials in human history and prehistory, showing how innovative and state-of-the-art archaeometric techniques and methods may efficiently extract tangible and intangible information from cultural heritage materials. Furthermore the obtained scientific information must be interpreted in the context of the physical chemistry properties of the material itself, the production process, the socio-economic framework, the conservation process, and finally properly inserted into the historical / social / anthropological / artistic timeline. The cultural heritage materials must be understood as having a past, a present, and a future life, always connected with the ever shifting values of human cultures.

    International Desk:

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  • Structure of the course

    1st Year: Integrated analysis of cultural heritage materials, Geomorphology of archaeological landscapes and sites, Suite of courses on Materials properties and conservation (stone materials, binders, biomaterials), Geoarchaeology and micromorphology, Dating techniques, Geophysics for cultural heritage, Macromolecules and genetics, Communication and digital experience in CH

    2nd Year: Historical buildings and sites, Suite of courses on Materials properties and conservation (ceramics, pigments, metals, glass), Remote sensing for archaeology, Databases and data processing, Authentication, History and theory of restoration, Urban history, Management and valorization of cultural heritage

    downloadDownload the list of courses and contents  or go to the syllabus of the course with all programs.

    The programme structure and the focus on materials are very different from existing programmes in Italy and in most EU countries. Selected students may also have the possibility to achieve a double degree with the University of Haifa (Maritime Archaeological Heritage) and with the University of Bordeaux Montaigne (Archaeological Sciences). The students enrolling in Padova in academic year 2023/2024 will be able to select the double degree with Bordeaux or Haifa in 2024/2025.

          structure of the course

    download Download the leaflet of the course.

    International Desk (information on the course):

  • Career opportunities

    Graduates can work as:

    • archaeologists;
    • archaeological scientists;
    • consultants and planners for diagnostic programs of sites and CH objects;
    • managers of archaeological sites;
    • consultants and planners for Museums;
    • consultants and planners for conservation programs.

    In Italy, they can specialize further and enroll in the list of professional archaeologists. Their competences and knowledge will be unique for the interpretation and valorization of archaeological and CH materials.

  • Dissertation tips

    A few tips for selecting the thesis topic and tutors

    1) Preferentially, you should select the topic and the tutors proposed in the list below, because they are available and they have been discussed between teachers.

    2) if you are thinking about a specific topic that it is not included, please discuss the feasibility and timing in detail with the appropriate teacher(s) of the courses of the ASCH master

    3) if you wish to work with other teachers or scientist not directly involved in the ASCH courses, they must necessarily contact one of the teacher and discuss the details of the activities, because you must have an internal tutor of the ASCH course

    A few tips for planning and completing the dissertation.

    1) Remember that you need to register for graduation, within the deadlines set up for each graduation period (, communicating the name(s) of the tutor(s) and the final title of the Dissertation.

    2) At the same time, you should communicate to the Director of the course and the Academic Board the language you want to adopt (usually English). If the thesis is in English, an extended abstract in Italian must also be included.

    3) The format of the dissertation should follow the proposed template (file.pdf, file.docx). Templates are also available for the Double Degree dissertations: Double Degree UNIPD-UBM (file_DD_UNIPD-UBM.pdf, file_DD_UNIPD-UBM.docx) and Double Degree UNIPD-Haifa (version for UNIPD: Thesis template-Applied Sciences asch-DD-Haifa_UNIPD version.pdf, Thesis template-Applied Sciences asch-DD-Haifa_UNIPD version.docx)(version for Haifa: Thesis template-Applied Sciences asch-DD-Haifa_Haifa version.pdf, Thesis template-Applied Sciences asch-DD-Haifa_Haifa version.docx). 

  • Proposed and assigned topics for dissertation work - A.Y. 2022-23

    Available dissertations
    Title Supervisors (institutions)
    please contact
    Coastal built heritage of Mykonos (Greece): stone characterization and decay monitoring
    Luigi Germinario (UNIPD), Claudio Mazzoli (UNIPD)
    Orange and yellow minerals from Scythian burials of Ukraine
    Margarita Gleba, Simone Dilaria (UNIPD)
    Characterisation of red pigments used for decorating objects of Scythian funerary material culture (Ukraine, 5th-4th century BCE)
    Margarita Gleba, Simone Dilaria (UNIPD)
    Application of non-invasive techniques to the analysis of decorations, artworks, and objects of interest in Cultural Heritage
    Rita Deiana (UNIPD)
    Application of non-invasive methods to study historical buildings and monuments
    Rita Deiana (UNIPD)
    Application of GPR and ERT for archaeological research in urban areas
    Rita Deiana (UNIPD)
    The multimethodological geophysical approach in rural archaeological sites
    Rita Deiana (UNIPD)
    Wall-paintings from ancient Tridentum (Trento, northern Italy). Reconstruction of the decorative layout and analytical characterization of mortars and pigments
    Monica Salvadori (UNIPD), Simone Dilaria (UNIPD)
    Characterization and provenance determination of volcanic millstones from the Punic-Roman site of Nora (Sardinia)
    Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Arturo Zara (UNIPD), Luigi Germinario (UNIPD)
    Characterization of hydraulic kinetics in ancient Roman mortars from on-land and underwater structures of the UNESCO archaeological site of Baia (Naples)
    Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Michele Secco (UNIPD), Luigi Germinario (UNIPD)
    Pigment identification and degradation in mural paintings
    Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD), Alfonso Zoleo (UNIPD), Luca Nodari (CNR)
    Prehistoric slags: characterization of the early copper smelting
    Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD), Ivana Angelini (UNIPD)
    Turquoise authentication: how can we distinguish real and fakes?
    Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD), Gregorio dal Sasso (CNR)
    Characterization of prehistoric and protohistoric metals: metallography, metal chemistry, isotopes
    Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD), Ivana Angelini (UNIPD), Caterina Canovaro (UNIPD)
    The Egyptian blue pigment: identification, manufacturing techniques, provenance
    Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD), Ivana Angelini (UNIPD)
    African trade beads: glass characterization and provenancing
    Ivana Angelini (UNIPD), Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD)
    The 3th millenium painted pottery from Mahtouthabad, Jiroft (Kerman, Iran): an integrated archaeometric approach to define the production technology of the polychrome decoration system
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD), Massimo Vidale (UNIPD), Francois Desset (University of Teheran-Iran)

    The bricks of ancient Nora (Sardinia, Italy): production technology and raw material provenance
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD), Jacopo Bonetto (UNIPD)
    Archaeometric analysis of Middle Age ceramic materials from Castelseprio and Monselice (Northern Italy)
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD), Alejandra Chavarria (UNIPD)
    Ceramic alteration in underwater sites
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD), Patrick Quinn (UCL), Maja Mise (Cambridge), Emanuela Mascaro (UNIPD)

    Archaeometric study of green stones from Iran and Oman
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD), Massimo Vidale (UNIPD), Claudio Mazzoli (UNIPD), Chiara Coletti (UNIPD)

    Geoarchaeological map of the Sile River catchment (Treviso): analysis of long-term human-environmental interactions through GIS, remote sensing and fieldwork
    Giacomo Vinci (UNIPD), Paolo Mozzi (UNIPD), Alessandro Fontana (UNIPD)

    From quarries to monuments: extraction and use of Istrian limestone in the Roman age
    Claudio Mazzoli (UNIPD), Caterina Previato (UNIPD)
    Deterioration of archaeological stone in ancient Greek-Roman underwater sites of the Mediterranean Sea
    Luigi Germinario (UNIPD), Claudio Mazzoli (UNIPD),
    Quantitative analysis of use-wear traces of Prehistoric stone tools
    Luigi Germinario (UNIPD), Claudio Mazzoli (UNIPD), Cristina Lemorini (Sapienza)
    Reconstructing the weathering trends of historical building materials via experimental microclimate monitoring
    Claudio Mazzoli (UNIPD), Luigi Germinario (UNIPD)
    Architectures of the Rocca di Monselice during the early and late Middle Ages: architectural sequence, construction techniques and archaeometric analysis of the binders
    Alexandra Chavarria Arnau (UNIPD), Michele Secco (UNIPD)

    Assigned Dissertations
    Title Supervisors Student (year of admission)
    Evolution of the constructive techniques in the periphery of the Venice Lagoon between Late Antiquity and early Medieval times: the case of the San Mauro Monastery
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Alessandra Cianciosi, Sauro Gelichi (UNIVE,
    Pouya Mashouf (2021/2022)
    3D virtual reconstruction
    Emanuel Demetrescu (CNR)
    Giada Tronca (2021/2022)
    "Art Deco" malachite glass: distinction of originals and recent copies
    Ivana Angelini (UNIPD), Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD)
    Anna Kamani (2022/2023)
    Characterization of unusual materials in art objects of the MNU-UNIPD Museum of Anthropology
    Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD), Alfonso Zoleo (UNIPD), Ivana Angelini (UNIPD)
    Ghodsi Eslami (2022/2023)
    Influence of clay processing on mineralogy and bulk chemistry in ancient pottery production
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD)
    Vania Filippou (2022/2023)
    Disclosing the provenance and production technology of Meroitic ceramics from Sedinga (northern Sudan)
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD), Romain David (SFDAS-Sudan)
    Ciara Nicola Mc Carthy (2021/2022)
    Virtual reconstruction: The Al Khiday site, Sudan
    Emanuel Demetrescu (CNR), Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD)
    Kimia Jahangiry (2021/2022)
    Tracing temper and temperature: a study of pottery production techniques in the Meroitic Kingdom
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD), Ruth Shahack-Gross (Haifa), Marta Dal Corso (UNIPD)
    Max Meir (2023/2024)

    Completed dissertations
    Title Supervisors Student (year of graduation)
    Underwater Stone Heritage vs Climate Change: an Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Ocean Acidification
    Claudio Mazzoli (UNIPD), Luigi Germinario (UNIPD)
    Madeline Mary Sañudo Cox (December 2024)
    Hadrianic Concrete, a Roman Archetype: archaeometric characterization of the construction materials in the Mausoleum of Hadrian, Rome.
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Paolo Vitti (Uni Notre Dame), Giulia Ricci (UNIPD)
    Aalya Rekhi (October 2024)
    Characterization of wall paintings from the site of Teotihuacan, Mexico: Pigment and plaster analysis
    Michele Secco (UNIPD)
    Chloe Kelly (October 2024)
    A High-Resolution UAV LiDAR Survey for Identifying Quarry Features in the Colli Euganei, Italy: Comparative Analysis and Case Studies of Two Breccia Quarries
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Jacopo Turchetto (UNIPD)
    Josiah Olah (October 2024)
    Archaeometric analysis on mortars and vegetal inclusions from the late antique markets in Aquileia
    Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Michele Secco (UNIPD), Margarita Gleba (UNIPD), Patrizia Basso (UNIVR)
    Yarden Jessica Tsfoni (October 2024)
    Application of AI in the Digital Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites: A Case Study of Al Khiday in Central Sudan
    Emmanueal Demetrescu (UNIROMA)
    Kimia Jahangiry (October 2024)
    Tracing the provenance of the amphorae from underwater sites by archaeometric analysis: The case of Torre Santa Sabina (Apulia, southern Italy)
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD)
    Hasti Pezeshkanjalili (October 2024)
    Autoarchaeology: Unraveling Hormone Deficiency through High-Resolution Biogeochemistry and Dental Histomorphometry—Implications for Bioarchaeological Life History Reconstructions
    Massimo Vidale (UNIPD)
    Jessica Bergamini (September 2024)
    Ancient Mortars Technology: Archaeometric Study of Mortars from Ex Cinema Astra Site in Verona
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Caterina Previato (UNIPD), Eliana Bridi (UNIPD)
    Amanda Muller (September 2024)
    Mechanical characteristics of Roman concrete and their relation with materials' composition: the case studies of Roman theatre of Aquileia and Diocletian Baths in Rome
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Simone Dilaria (UNIPD)
    Bareea Tariq (September 2024)
    From teeth to tales: investigating histological, proteomic, geochemical signatures in dental remains from Jiroft culture necropolises (Iran, 3rd millennium BC)
    Massimo Vidale (UNIPD)
    Claudia Stefani (September 2024)
    The Egyptian blue pigment: identification, manufacturing techniques, provenance
    Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD)
    Martina Pellegrina (September 2024)
    Integrating Stratigraphic analysis and Archaeometry of Mortar Using BIM for Dating Cultural Heritage Structures: A Case Study in Oratorio di San Michele
    Alexandra Chavarria Arnau (UNIPD)
    Binoli Navodya Nimnadi Kankanige Don (September 2024)
    Constructing Patavium: Exploitation of Local Geological Resources in the Ancient Mortars of Montegrotto Terme, Italy
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Caterina Previato(UNIPD)
    Emma Katelyn Pilgrim (July 2024)
    Archaeometric study of mortars from the Roman Villa of Mutteron dei Frati, Bibione, Italy
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Maria Stella Busana (UNIPD)
    Ekaterina Sokolova (July 2024)
    Bronze and Lacquers in Japan: Arrival and development in the Archipelago seen through the scientific and archaeological analysis on a nucleus of pieces from the Museum of Oriental Art Edoardo Chiossone in Genova
    Alfonso Zoleo (UNIPD)
    Rossella Panarella (July 2024)
    Characterization of mural paintings from Motza and Caesarea Maritima, Israel: Insights into techniques and materials
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Giulia Ricci (UNIPD), Yotam Asscher (IAA)
    Nelli-Spyridoula Maniki (July 2024)
    Variations of Relative Absorptivity of Geranium and Madder Lake Pigments in FT-IR Spectra during Degradation
    Alfonso Zoleo (UNIPD)
    Jessica Soraia Teixeira Caires (June 2024)
    A high-resolution approach to the site formation processes of Tinshemet Cave, Israel
    Cristiano Nicosia (UNIPD), Ruth Shahack-Gross (Haifa)
    Pedro Garcia Villa (December 2023)
    Photogrammetric survey and 3D reconstruction of the temple of Giove Lustrale in Verona, Italy
    Caterina Previato (UNIPD), Jacopo Bonetto (UNIPD)
    Marina Kiigma (December 2023)
    A 4th millennium BCE activity area on the surface of the Mehrgarh 2 site, Baluchistan, Pakistan
    Massimo Vidale (UNIPD), Lara Maritan (UNIPD)
    Irene Caldana (December 2023)
    Bluing in the Victorian Era: A chemical investigation of Mid-Victorian blued firearms
    Ivana Angelini (UNIPD), Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD)
    Kiana Lea Sokolic (December 2023)
    Geoarchaeological and geophysical prospections of the Alberoni Site (Lido di Venezia)
    Paolo Mozzi (UNIPD)
    Ziba Sharafi - Roumi (September 2023)
    Disclosing the provenance and production technology of Meroitic ceramics from Sedeinga (Northern Sudan)
    Lara Maritan (UNIPD)
    Ciara Nicola Mc Carthy (October 2023)
    Mineralisation of ancient textiles: An archaeometric analysis of Etruscan textile fragments from the tombs of Perugia
    Margarita Gleba (UNIPD), Alfonso Zoleo(UNIPD), Gilberto Artioli (UNIPD)
    Nina Janske Schuurman (October 2023)
    The hydraulic mortars of the Byzantine City Wall (Long Structure) in Tiberias beach at the Sea of Galilee and the relation with the lake level fluctuations
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Emmanuel Nantet (Haifa), Ruth Shahack-Gross (Haifa)
    Konstantinos Thomas (December 2023)
    Archaeometrical study of mortars from public Roman structures in Verona
    Michele Secco (UNIPD), Simone Dilaria (UNIPD), Caterina Previato (UNIPD), Rémy Chapoulie (UBM), Eliana Bridi (UNIPD)
    Paula Stipanovic Restrepo (October 2023)
    Use/wear analysis of bone fragments and tools from Nora
    Jacopo Bonetto (UNIPD), Rémy Chapoulie (UBM), Isabelle Sidéra (UBM)
    Martina Naso (October 2023)
    Traces of polychromy on stone monuments
    Rémy Chapoulie (UBM), Rita Deiana (UNIPD), Monica Salvadori (UNIPD)
    Chiara Giusti (July 2023)

  • Cultural heritage materials and sites





    Buildings and binders