Conduct of Proficiency and Graduation Examinations - Summer and Fall Term 2021/2022

Conduct of Proficiency and Graduation Examinations - Summer and Fall Term 2021/2022

di International DiSLL -
Numero di risposte: 0

On behalf of the Delegate for Teaching of the DiSLL - Prof. Carmen CASTILLO PEÑA


Following the guidelines for the conduct of profit and degree examinations during the summer-autumn periods, published by the University (, the DiSLL specifies the following: all written and oral examinations will be conducted in person. However, online examination sessions will be ensured, upon justified request, for students in isolation, for international students and students currently abroad, and for students with special medical conditions, duly attested, that require increased security conditions. The form for requesting to take a distance exam (to be sent to the teacher in charge of teaching and email ) is available at the link: