Lingua Inglese 3 - a.a. 2023/2024 : Oral Skills

Lingua Inglese 3 - a.a. 2023/2024 : Oral Skills

by Settore Didattica DiSLL -
Number of replies: 0

A nome della prof.ssa Fiona DALZIEL

Dear new third-year students,

As you know we will be having an online introductory meeting on 27 September at 2.30pm in zoom:

Zoom Meeting Room:

In the meantime, we wanted to give you the following information.

The course Academic Writing (Fiona Dalziel) will be in the second semester.

This semester you will have Oral Skills (Lesley Adams OR Sarah Guth – 2 hours a week) and Translation into English (Andrew Bailey – 2 hours  a week). For both of these you will be able to choose one 2-hour slot from 4 options, according to your other academic engagements.

You will be able to sign up for your groups from Wednesday 20 September.

The Moodle course for Lingua Inglese 3 is already available at:

Please write to us if you have any queries.

All the best,

Third-year staf