Bando mobilità studenti outgoing DiSSGeA - a.a. 2023/24 / Call for the assignment of scholarships for outgoing mobility of DiSSGeA - a.y. 2023/24

Ri: Bando mobilità studenti outgoing DiSSGeA - a.a. 2023/24 / Call for the assignment of scholarships for outgoing mobility of DiSSGeA - a.y. 2023/24

di Master Local Development -
Numero di risposte: 0
Dear students,
Please note that for internships abroad you are more than welcome to request the LD financial aid.
If you are interested in an internship in Italy and would like to apply for the Outgoing Mobility Scholarship, please consider the following requirements:
"For internships and traineeships outside the University and in locations more than 100 km away from the place of residence and/or domicile to be held from 1 January 2024 to 30 November 2024. The maximum amount foreseen for each scholarship is €400, and it will be paid at the end of the activity following the submission of the original expense supporting documents".