Responsabili: proff. Massimiliano Carrara, Pierdaniele Giaretta


Inizio: lunedi' 20 gennaio 2014 ore 17.00-19.30

Frequenza: settimanale

Sede: Sala Giacon, Capitaniato 3

Calendario: 20 gennaio: Dott. Riccardo Baratella, "Persistenza e locazione: esame critico della teoria della locazione di Josh Parsons"

27 gennaio: Prof. Marco Santambrogio, "La logica del relativismo"

3 febbraio: Dott. Guido Del Din, "I principi della logica dialogica"

10 febbraio: prof. Marco Santambrogio "I contenuti delle credenze e delle affermazioni"

3 marzo: Dott. Francesco Gallina, "Imperscrutabilità e relatività referenziale"

10 marzo: Dott. Giuseppe Spolaore, "Introduzioni di nomi"

24 marzo: Dott. Irene Olivero, "Semantica dei termini artefattuali: un approccio pluralistico"

Lettura preliminare:
- Michael J. Clark & David Liggins (2012). Recent work on grounding.
LUN 7 APRILE, 16:00-18:00:
- K. Fine (2012). Guide to Ground (con integrazioni da: Kit Fine
(2001). The question of realism.). Presenta: Vittorio Morato
LUN 14 APRILE, 16:00-18:00:
- J. Shaffer (2009), On what grounds what (con integrazioni da J.
Schaffer (2012), Grounding, transitivity, and contrastivity). Presenta:
Matteo Plebani
LUN 28 APRILE, 16:00-18:00:
- P. Audi (2012). Grounding: Toward a Theory of the
In-virtue-of Relation (con integrazioni da: Audi (2012b). A
clarification and defense of the notion of grounding). Presenta:
Giuseppe Spolaore
LUN 05 MAGGIO, 16:00-18:00:
- Wilson (forthcoming). No Work for a Theory of Grounding. Presenta:
Federico Perelda
Indicazioni bibliografiche precise si possono trovare qui:
Tutti i files per il seminario si possono scaricare qui:




Modal semantics provide a flexible framework for the study of different notions like  modalities, epistemic notions or forms of indefiniteness. Much of the philosophical  discussion on these and related topics require, at least, the ability to read and  understand modal formulas.

This course provides an introduction to propositional modal semantics and logic. We  explain the technique of trees to construct proofs for different modal logics and we will finally look at some variations that lead to supervaluationist and subvaluationist logics.

Name: Modal Semantics and Trees
Number of lectures: 3 lectures of 2 hours
Requirements: familiarity with classical propositional logic.
Lecturer: Pablo Cobreros

Language: English

Lecture 1. The basic system of modal logic.
26 May 2014 . Padova - Via Bassi 2, Aula A: 12.30 -14.30

Lecture 2. Extensions of K. Padova - Via Bassi 2, Aula A: 12.30 -14.30
27 May 2014. Padova - Via Bassi 2, Aula A: 12.30 -14.30

Lecture 3. Vagueness: s'valuationism
28 May 2014. Padova - P.zza Capitaniato 3, FISPPA, Sala Giacon: 14.30 - 16.30


There will be lectures on the main topics together with handouts. Students can prepare the first lecture having a look to the video "Classical Propositional Logic"

All the lectures will be accompanied with handout notes. In addition, students will have  free availability to the manuscript Filosofía y Lógica (in Spanish) or they can follow  Priest's Introduction to Non-Classical Logics.

Finally, to prepare the fourth lecture, students might want to read the Philosophy Compass paper "Vagueness: Subvaluationism".

Cobreros, P. (2014) Filosofía y Lógica (Unpublished manuscript; in Spanish)
Cobreros, P. (2013) "Vagueness: subvaluationism" Philosophy Compass 8(5): 472-485.
Priest, G. (2008) Introduction to Non-Classical Logics (2nd ed) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Lunedì 09 Giugno 2014, ore 17:00
Sala Giacon - P.zza Capitaniato, 3 - PADOVA

Il prof. Koji Nakatogawa (Hokkaido University)

terrà una conferenza dal titolo:

"Contradictions and Negations: Sentences, Judgments and Terms"

I will begin with analyzing various kinds of negations in standard
and non-standard logics, and then try to obtain a tentative
classification of contradictions. Next, I will pick up a few
examples from ancient Chinese and Indian Logics as well as from an
analysis of “Two Wise Girls Puzzle”, and try to find where their
notions of negations and/or contradictions fall under the
classification. My talk will end with some observations concerning
what sort of changes on the side of knowledge, which are caused by
these kinds of negations and/or contradictions, correspond to what
sort of changes in the side of the worlds.

June 30, 2014
WORKSHOP: Artifacts and Artifacts Talk: Cognitive and Semantic Aspects
Sala Giacon - P.zza Capitaniato 3, Padova (Italy)

10.30 - 11.45 Marco Santambrogio (University of Parma/San Raffaele Milan),
Pencils, Words, Artworks

11,45 - 12,00 break

12,00-13,15 Asya Passinsky (NYU, US) Norm and Object: A Normative Theory of
Social Objects.

13.15 - 14.30 break

14.30 - 15.45 Sara Dellantonio (University of Trento) The Architecture of
Categorization. Artifacts and Other Kinds of Things.

15.45 - 16.00 break

16.00 - 17.15 Daria Mingardo (University of Milan), Metaphysical and
epistemic privilege in artefacts creation

17:15 - 17:30 break

17:30 - 18:45 Friederike Moltmann  (CNRS, France /NYU, US) Cognitive
Products, Artifacts, and the Semantics of Attitude Reports

Organization. Massimiliano Carrara, Friederike Moltmann, Vittorio Morato,
Marzia Soavi

For information, contact:

Ultime modifiche: giovedì, 26 giugno 2014, 14:07