Corso di eccellenza 2017

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Quante

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Sala delle Edicole

1-9 febbraio 2017 ore 9.30-12.30

Practical Reason as Objective Spirit: The Legacy of German Idealism

(1.) The logic of reflection in Hegel’s “Wesenslogik” (1.2.2017)

In this seminar the first chapter (“Shine”) of Hegel’s “Wesenslogik” (1813) is discussed as

his metacritique of Fichte’s conception of self-consciousness.

An unpublished paper of mine dealing with this section will be used as basis for


(2.) Hegel, Marx and the Market (2.2.2017) 

         Although Hegel and Marx share a lot of conceptual background their estimation of the

market comes to radically divergent conclusions (at least at first sight).

In this seminar the English version of an unpublished paper of mine is discussed.

(3.) Personhood and Recognition (7.2.2017)

In this seminar the social constitution of human personhood and personality will be

analyzed from a systematic point of view.

An unpublished paper (still work in progress indeed) of mine will be discussed.

(4.) Personal Autonomy (8.2.2017)

      Defence of Personal Autonomy (file)

         Autonomy is a central conception in modern ethics. In this seminar the relation between

action autonomy and personal autonomy will be analyzed from a systematic point of view.

Based on papers of mine the conception of personal autonomy will be discussed.

(5.) Voluntary Euthanasia: conceptual clarifications and bioethical challenges (9.2.2017)

The ethics of euthanasia will be dealt with in this seminar. Starting from conceptual

clarifications (e.g. active vs. passive; killing vs. letting-die; etc.) the main positions in

biomedical ethics will be discussed.

As textual basis a chapter of the English translation of my book Personales Leben und

menschlicher Tod will be used.

Ultime modifiche: domenica, 29 gennaio 2017, 21:51