Reminder for the graduating students
How should the
thesis be completed?
The thesis must be written and discussed in English. Starting from the 2017/18
court, an extended summary, in Italian, of the activity carried out will also
be prepared.
The thesis must be written on A4 sheets printed front and back.
Layout, font, etc. are at the discretion of the graduating student.
How many pages must the thesis be composed of?
The number of pages will be decided with the supervisor.
How should the cover be?
The cover must be in light cardboard, the color will be choosen by the
graduating student.
How many copies should the student print?
The student has to print 4 copies.
Where should the student deliver the thesis?
All theses, one of which must be signed by the supervisor, must be delivered to
the Didactic Secretary of the DiSSGeA Department.
When should the student deliver the thesis?
The thesis must be delivered within the deadline indicated in the Academic
Calendar of the DiSSGeA.
Can the student choose a professor who is not a member of the degree program as
a supervisor?
Yes if the student has included the course (given by the professor) in the
study plan and has pass the exam.
Yes, even if the student did not follow any courses with that professor: in
this case the external professor has to be flanked by a professor related to
the degree program, i.e. the student must have two supervisors.
Can the student choose a retired professor as a supervisor?
Yes, but the retired professor must be flanked by a professor of the degree
program, i.e. the student must have two supervisors.
When and where is the calendar of the discussions published?
The calendar of the discussions is published about 10 days before the beginning
of the final exam session on the Department's website.
Which score can be attributed to the final exam?
For the final exam the commission has 1 to 5 points.
Supplements for CFU obtained on international mobility (0.3 / 110 per 9 CFU)
and in the case of internships abroad (0.6 / 110) are foreseen.
What should the student do if he/she does not graduate anymore?
The student must cancel the degree application completed in Uniweb and notify
the Didactic Secretary. Remember that the Mav must be paid even if you do not
graduate anymore.
See also:
Circolare 25/01/2013 sui frontespizi delle tesi
Nome bibliografiche per i Corsi di studio in discipline storiche