Questionario apprendimento lingue

Questionario apprendimento lingue

by Manager Didattico Lingue e Mediazione DiSLL -
Number of replies: 0

Care studentesse, cari studenti di LLM,
Siete cordialmente sollecitati a rispondere a un questionario anonimo sull'apprendimento delle lingue dalla prof.ssa Musacchio, presidente della laurea magistrale in LCC.
Un cordiale saluto,
Teresa Vila

Dear Students,

I have a little favour to ask: I am conducting some research on
attitudes to language learning and I would like you to answer a short
questionnaire as students in the field. The questionnaire will be
anonymous, i.e. it does not include any questions that are
specifically related to your current language courses at LLM and could
reveal your identity. Please answer all questions, including the ones
relating to translation, even if you have never translated a text
before. It will take you five minutes at most.

Link to the questionnaire:

Many thanks for your help and best wishes,
