A nome della prof.ssa Fiona DALZIEL
Dear students,
Here is a brief message about the organisation of Lingua Inglese 3 2022-2023.
There will also be a short introductory meeting online:
Thursday 29 September, 10am
Zoom Meeting Room: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/83637928472
The third-year English course has three components:
Academic Writing (Fiona Dalziel – 2nd semester only)
Oral Skills (one 2-hour class a week either with Lesley Adams or Sarah Guth – 1st and 2nd semesters)
Translation into English (one 2-hour class a week with Andrew Bailey – 1st and 2nd semesters)
The first semester classes will start in the week beginning 10th October 2022.
You can already sign up for your Oral Skills and Translation into English classes in our new Moodle Course:
All the best,
Fiona Dalziel